FIBO 2024: A Recap of Our Unforgettable Experience

Apr 15 / Jamin
Hey, fitness family!

The air is still buzzing with excitement from FIBO 2024 in Cologne, and we at the Online Fitness Academy (OFA) had an absolute blast!

Your favourite fitness educators were in the thick of it all, meeting incredible people and spreading the joy of fitness.

Our team was everywhere, engaging with over 2000 visitors at our booths.

The energy was electric, and we couldn't be more thrilled with the turnout.

Hangman Challenge Highlights

One of the biggest highlights was our Hangman Challenge.

The challenge drew in a massive crowd, and we had over 2000 enthusiastic participants giving it their all.

The competition was fierce, but in the end, two champions emerged victorious.

These lucky winners earned themselves a free Advance Fitness Trainer certification, right at our booth.

A huge congratulations to them!

A Generous Gesture

But that’s not all.

We believe in spreading health and happiness, and what better way than by sharing some nutritious snacks?

At the end of FIBO, we had a surplus of apples and bananas – too many to take back home.

So, in the spirit of community, we decided to gift our remaining fruit to the FIBO attendees.

Seeing the smiles and hearing the thank-yous as we handed out the fresh goodies was a heartwarming experience.

Thank You, FIBO!

To everyone who stopped by our booth, participated in our challenges, or just came to say hi – thank you!

Your energy and passion for fitness fuel our mission to turn gym rats into certified fitness pros.

We can’t wait to see you all again next year.

Until then, stay fit, stay healthy, and keep pushing your limits!